Wednesday, October 8, 2014

"Math Around the Room" and other Active Classroom Activities.

Last year, I had some very fidgety learners. Their own active minds would get in the way of their learning, and especially in the way of their practicing. They needed to move!

Because of this, I started using Math Around the Room more and more. It helped my active minds to focus as they got to move around while doing work without being disruptive. And I also discovered that it was great for my other students as well. This year, I don't have as many fidgeters, but I still am using this kind of activity all the time. It just breaks up the day more, and refreshes all students. They all enjoy it, and are able to work on the assigned problems very quietly and with no classroom management problems.

What is Math Around The Room?
It is simple:
1) Take the worksheet problems you want your students to work on.
2) Cut them up
3) Post them in various places around the room (on chairs, by the library, on the counter, by the backpacks etc.)
4) Students walk around the room with a clipboard and recording sheet, moving around and solving the problems.
In my class, this may only be done silently. If students are having a hard time and are getting distracted by their peers, they have to work by their desk while everyone else gets to cycle the room. Because they really enjoy Math Around the Room, this is all the reinforcement they need, and they work quietly on their activity.

This can be used for any subject and most activities. I tend to use it most for Math, for the simple reason that we need to practice math skills in the form of a worksheet more often than other subjects.

Here are some pictures of my students doing this:

In these three pictures, we were doing Math Around the Room for ordering big numbers. This is a free product that can be found on tpt. I posted 4 pencils, 4 apples, 4 markers etc. around the room. Students had to find all of them, and then put them in order, either from least to greatest or greatest to least. A lot of my students were already great at ordering numbers, but some needed extra support. This activity allowed me to work with a few students one on one, while the rest of the class was engaged and thinking, as opposed to bored at doing something they already knew how to do.

Because I liked this activity so much, I decided to create my own for math facts, since such a product did not exist. It is up for purchase at my store, and can be found here.

Again, students really enjoyed this activity and were able to quietly practice their math facts, while I had the opportunity to work with a few students who were struggling (particularly with their division facts).

"________ Around the Room" is definitely something I would recommend for your classroom. It is life-saving for our friends with ADHD, but fun and useful for the entire class as well. You should try it out!

Back Again

So, clearly I have been terrible about blogging. I keep wanting to, and then the task of restarting up again feels so overwhelming that I don't.

I finally decided enough is enough, so here I go. No promises on being able to keep it up.

Things that have happened since the last time I posted...back in March (yikes!)

1. I started my second year of teaching. I have a great group of 4th graders. They are a very quiet group compared to last year's class. I had to actually teach them how to pair-share, which was something last year's class picked up like a fish picks up swimming. Interestingly, my boy-girl ratio is also very skewed. I only have 5 boys! FIVE! The rest are all girls! Anyways, they are awesome. I am really enjoying them so far.

And I am still loving teaching every single day. It is definitely the profession for me! I just love coming up with engaging lessons that the kids also love.

2. I opened up a Teacher Pay Teacher store! It can be found here:
It is not a big store yet (only 17 items) and I am not making a ton of money. Still, I am selling things, which feels pretty great. I am making enough that I can buy what I need from TPT basically for free. So my tpt addiction is currently paying for itself, but I don't really have extra spending money. Surprisingly, it is my bible products that are selling the most so far.

Anyways, I will probably link to some of my products as I blog about what we are doing in the classroom. Joining TPT has definitely made me a better teacher. I am spending time making things for my classroom and more engaging lessons, that I might not have made otherwise.

Ok, well this is just a check-in, so that is all for now. Hopefully I will actually keep the blog up this time :-)