Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dissecting Squid - 4th Grade

One really fun thing we did in Science was a squid dissection lab. Turns out that you can pay people to come into your classroom to do this with your class (another cool thing I learned from my 4th grade team). Basically, it is a field trip inside of the classroom, where the field comes to you! This was a very cool project that students loved, and I had to do next to nothing, besides walk around and take some pictures!

This took about an hour and a half. We watched a video and learned about squid, dissected squid, diagramed squid, and finally ATE squid. That's right, we salvaged some clean parts from the squid we had dissected, fried them up, and ate them with a little garlic salt. And they tasted good too. Again, I was super glad I wasn't in charge here, I never would have had the guts to give kids calamari to eat.

Without further ado, what you have been waiting for, the pictures:

The squid prior to dissection. Kinda cute actually.

And starting to dissect!

Once students had completely dissected their squid, they got to take out the ink sack and write with it. Here is one of my students writing his name!

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