Saturday, July 20, 2013

I have a job!

Ok, so technically this is old news since I have known for a few weeks, but I am only just getting around to blogging about it.

I got a job! Next year, I am going to be a 4th grade teacher in a small Christian Private School. The staff seems super nice and supportive; they have a rigorous curriculum adopted from the California State Standards, and the school is only a ten minute commute from my house. But what I am most excited about is the class size! I haven't seen my roster yet, but I will definitely have less than 20 students in my class this year, which is absolutely amazing. Last year, I had 34 students in my student teaching placement, so I have the potential of having a class that is half the size. I am so excited! This is going to give me the opportunity to focus so much more on individual needs in my classroom than I would be able to with so many students. It will also be a slightly smaller workload with just a bit less grading, less parent conferences etc. which is awesome for my first year of teaching since I already know I am going to be super super super busy!

I meet with my principal for an Orientation and to collect my key and teacher-version textbooks on Monday. I will hopefully bring my camera along with me so I can show you the "Before" of my classroom. I have already seen the room, and it does not have a lot of storage space, so I am going to have to get creative (no problem) and get organized (this one is tougher for me :-P)

I am already getting to work with making all kinds of posters and classroom management tools for my classroom. I will post some of that in the coming weeks as well.

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