Thursday, March 7, 2013

Free the Pee!

I can't stop laughing!!!

My students have really been abusing the bathroom privilege lately, with some students asking to go 6-8 times a day. Way too much!!! So last Friday, I added the Bathroom to our class prizes chart, and it now costs 3 tickets to use the restroom.
This was instantly effective. For the most part, students are now only going to the restroom during class once or twice a day if that, and many many students are now taking care to use the restroom during breaks, which they didn't bother doing before. If a student doesn't have the tickets, they are still allowed to go to the restroom, but they have to help pick up some trash in the classroom to "pay" for it.

Well, today, my students decided enough was enough! Within the course of about 5 minutes, they organized an entire campaign against charging to use the restroom. They made posters. They started a petition. But most importantly, they all started chanting "Free the Pee! Free the Pee! Free the pee!"

I am glad it was the last 5 minutes of class, because I absolutely lost it! I know I was probably supposed to keep a straight face, but I just could not stop laughing. The slogan is just so awesome!

The best part is, it leads up perfectly to the American Revolution, which we are teaching next week! Since last week, I have already been scheming about one day charging the kids to get a drink, to sharpen their pencil, to get a piece of paper, and to then launch into a "taxation without representation" lesson. The fact that my class is already so riled up about just the bathroom policy is perfect! I can't wait for Monday's lesson!

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